Empyrean Massage “Expect a touch from Heaven”
“The doctor of the future will not give medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human form, in diet, and in the cause of disease.”         -Thomas Edison
“I bring a unique connection between heaven and earth. My hands are led by knowledge and Spiritual intuition.” - Sandy Pond
(941) 421-4313
502A E Olympia Ave (Corner of Olympia and Milus) Punta Gorda, Florida
Your freedom is our goal at Body and Soul Home Massage Therapeutics About Us Products Classes and Education Gallery Contact
Raindrop Therapy with Essential Oils is $90.00 for a one hour session           Warm Stones without massage $60.00 per hour  Stretch or Chair Stretch session, private for beginners, $30.00 per hour Pain or Scar treatment $20. base rate plus $1. per minute Cranial Release Technique $20. Bio-Mat session with Infra-Red heat $20. Polarity session one hour $60. Posturology Assessment $60. per hour session
“Although you will feel better when you leave, I want you to be better. My approach begins at the Cause of your dis-ease. It is only here that true change can occur and a shift to freedom takes place.” - Sandy Pond
Events Calendar Scar Therapy and Pain Management Warm Stone Therapy Logo
Aromatherapy and the weight, texture and temperature of Warm Stones are included with all massages free of charge.
Costs: All Massages are $60.00 per hour                              $90.00 per hour and a half Empyrean Massage may include an eclectic combination of these massage modalities or choose them independently: CRT (Cranial Release Therapy) MPS/pain management Scar Release Therapy Swedish Deep Tissue Warm Stone Polarity Therapy Reiki Aromatherapy Raindrop Therapy Lymph Drainage Occupational Massage Geriatric Massage Healing Touch Prayer